File Handling#

In Bialet, files are always saved in the database. Whether you are uploading a file or creating one dynamically, Bialet provides an easy and efficient way to manage file storage. Below are the three main parts of file handling in Bialet.

File Uploading#

When a file is uploaded through Bialet, it is automatically saved in the database. By default, files handled through Request.file() are marked as permanent. However, any file that is uploaded but not processed remains temporary, meaning it will be deleted within a day or less.

Example 1: Permanent File Upload#

import "bialet" for Request, Response

if (Request.isPost) {
  // Get the uploaded file and save it as permanent
  var file = Request.file("upload_file")
  System.print("Uploaded file: %(")

  // Return a message indicating the file was uploaded
  return Response.out("<p>File uploaded and saved: {{ }}</p>")

<!doctype html>
      <h1>Upload a File</h1>
      <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="upload_file">
        <input type="submit" value="Upload">

Example 2: Temporary File Upload#

There are times that the file is used just to process it. For that, you can mark it as temporary and it will be deleted after a short period of time.

// Get the uploaded file and mark it as temporary
var file = Request.file("upload_file")
System.print("Uploaded temporary file: %(")

Note: Each file processed with Request.file() is saved as permanent by default. Files that are uploaded but not processed remain temporary and will be deleted within a day or less.

File Creation#

You can also dynamically create files and save them in the database. Created files, like uploaded files, can be marked as temporary or permanent. Temporary files will be automatically deleted after a short period of time. To manually delete a file, use the fileObject.destroy() method.

Example 1: Creating a Permanent File#

import "bialet" for Response, File

// Create a text file with dynamic content
var content = "This is a dynamically generated text file."
var file = File.create("example.txt", "text/plain", content)

// Send the file as a response

Example 2: Deleting a File Manually#

You can also delete files manually using the fileObject.destroy() method. It works for uploaded and dymanically created files.

import "bialet" for Response, File

// Create a text file with dynamic content
var content = "This is a temporary file that will be deleted."
var file = File.create("temporary.txt", "text/plain", content)

// Delete the file manually

Response.out("<p>File was created and then deleted.</p>")

Showing a File in the Browser#

Once a file is saved in the database, the only way to show it in the browser is by using Response.file(id). This will take the file ID and return the file to the browser.

You can also use _route to dynamically fetch files from your database and display them based on user input, such as a filename.

Example: Serving Files by Name from a Custom Table#

In this example, we have a custom table images with fields id, file_id, and name. We will fetch the file based on its name and display it in the browser.

For more information on routing and dynamic names, see the routes section.

import "bialet" for Request, Response

// Assume we have a route that takes the name as a parameter
var imageName = Request.route(0)

// Query the file_id from the custom table
var imageData = `SELECT file_id FROM images WHERE name = ?`.first(imageName)

if (imageData) {
  // Serve the file by its file_id
} else {
  // Return a 404 error if the image is not found
  Response.out("<h1>404 - File Not Found</h1>")