



A class to handle incoming HTTP requests, parsing their content, and providing convenient access to their components.

init(message, route)#

Initializes a new Request object with a given message and route.

  • message: The raw HTTP request message.

  • route: The route the request is targeting.


Parses the query string of the request.

  • query: The query string part of the URL.


Returns the HTTP method of the request.


Returns the URI of the request.


Returns the body content of the request.


Checks if the request method is POST.


Checks if the request’s content type is JSON.


Returns the value of a specified request header.

  • name: The name of the header.


Returns the value of a specified query parameter.

  • name: The name of the query parameter.


Returns the value of a specified POST parameter.

  • name: The name of the POST parameter.


Returns a specific part of the request route.

  • pos: The position of the route segment.


Fetches a file from the database based on its name and returns it as a File object if found. If the file is not found, returns null.

  • name: The name of the file to retrieve.


A class to construct and manage HTTP responses, including setting headers, cookies, and the response body.


Initializes a new Response object.


Returns the current output buffer, trimmed.


Returns the current HTTP status code.


Returns the formatted response headers as a string.


Appends a string to the response body.

  • out: The string to append.


Sets the HTTP status code for the response.

  • status: The HTTP status code.


Adds a ‘Set-Cookie’ header to the response.

  • value: The cookie value.

header(header, value)#

Sets a response header.

  • header: The name of the header.

  • value: The value of the header.


Sends a JSON response.

  • data: The data to be JSON-encoded.


Fetches the file type based on its ID and output the file, setting the appropriate headers.

  • id: The ID of the file to fetch.

page(title, message)#

Generates a simple HTML page response.

  • title: The title of the page.

  • message: The message to display on the page.

end(code, title, message)#

Ends the response with a specific status code and a simple HTML page.

  • code: The HTTP status code.

  • title: The title for the HTML page.

  • message: The message for the HTML page.


Redirects the client to a specified URL.

  • url: The target URL.


Sends a 403 Forbidden response.


Generates a login page response.


A class for managing session data, including setting and destroying sessions.


Returns the name of the session cookie.


Sets the name of the session cookie.

  • n: The new name for the session cookie.


Destroys the current session.


A class for handling JSON data, including parsing and stringifying.


Parses a JSON string.

  • string: The JSON string to parse.


Converts an object to a JSON string.

  • object: The object to stringify.


A utility class providing various static helper methods.


Generates a random string of a specified length.

  • length: The desired length of the random string.


Generates a hash for the given password.

  • password: The password to hash.

verify(password, hash)#

Verifies if a given password matches a hash.

  • password: The password to verify.

  • hash: The hash to compare against the password.


Converts a given value to a numeric type.

  • val: The value to convert.


Converts a hexadecimal string to its decimal equivalent.

  • hexStr: The hexadecimal string to convert.


Converts a byte to its hexadecimal string representation.

  • byte: The byte to convert.


Decodes a URL-encoded string.

  • str: The URL-encoded string to decode.

lpad(s, count, with)#

Left-pads a string with a specified character to a specified length.

  • s: The string to pad.

  • count: The desired length of the string after padding.

  • with: The character to pad the string with.


Reverses a given string.

  • str: The string to reverse.

getPositionForIndex(text, index)#

Finds the line and column position in a text for a specified index.

  • text: The text to search.

  • index: The index in the text.


Escapes special HTML characters in a string to prevent XSS attacks.

  • str: The string to escape.


Encodes a string for use in a URL by replacing certain characters with their URL-safe equivalents.

  • str: The string to encode.


Encodes a dictionary of parameters into a URL-encoded string.

  • params: A dictionary of key-value pairs to encode.


Encodes a given input string to Base64.

  • input: The string to encode.


Decodes a Base64 encoded string.

  • input: The Base64 encoded string to decode.


A class for managing configuration settings, with methods to get, set, and delete configuration options.


Retrieves a configuration value by its key.

  • key: The key of the configuration option.

set(key, value)#

Sets a configuration option to a given value.

  • key: The key of the configuration option.

  • value: The value to set.


Retrieves a boolean configuration value.

  • key: The key of the configuration option.


Retrieves a numeric configuration value.

  • key: The key of the configuration option.


Deletes a configuration option.

  • key: The key of the configuration option to delete.


Retrieves a configuration value as JSON.

  • key: The key of the configuration option.

json(key, val)#

Sets a configuration option to a JSON value.

  • key: The key of the configuration option.

  • val: The JSON value to set.


A class for database interactions, providing basic methods for migrations and data manipulation.


Initializes the database connection.

migrate(version, schema)#

Performs database migrations to a specified version using the given schema.

  • version: The target version of the database schema.

  • schema: The schema to use for the migration.


Removes expired sessions and temporary files from the database.

save(table, values)#

Saves data to a specified table.

  • table: The name of the table to save data to.

  • values: The data to save, typically as a key-value pair object.


A class for handling HTTP requests and responses, with methods to perform various types of HTTP requests.

request(url, method, data, options)#

Performs an HTTP request with the specified options.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • method: The HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST).

  • data: The data to send with the request.

  • options: Additional request options.

get(url, options)#

Performs a GET request to the specified URL with the given options.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • options: Additional request options.

post(url, data, options)#

Performs a POST request to the specified URL with the given data and options.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • data: The data to send with the request.

  • options: Additional request options.

put(url, data, options)#

Performs a PUT request to the specified URL with the given data and options.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • data: The data to send with the request.

  • options: Additional request options.

delete(url, options)#

Performs a DELETE request to the specified URL with the given options.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • options: Additional request options.


Performs a simple GET request to the specified URL.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

post(url, data)#

Performs a simple POST request to the specified URL with the given data.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • data: The data to send with the request.

put(url, data)#

Performs a simple PUT request to the specified URL with the given data.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.

  • data: The data to send with the request.


Performs a simple DELETE request to the specified URL.

  • url: The URL to send the request to.


A class for managing date and time operations, supporting multiple constructors and methods for formatting, comparing, and manipulating dates relative to UTC.


Creates a new Date object representing the current date and time in UTC.


Creates a new Date object from a provided date string.

  • date: The date string to initialize the Date object.

new(date, utc)#

Creates a new Date object from a provided date string and a specified UTC offset.

  • date: The date string to initialize the Date object.

  • utc: The UTC offset to apply.

new(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)#

Creates a new Date object with the provided date and time components.

  • year: The year component.

  • month: The month component.

  • day: The day component.

  • hour: The hour component.

  • minute: The minute component.

  • second: The second component.

new(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, utc)#

Creates a new Date object with the provided date and time components and a specified UTC offset.

  • year: The year component.

  • month: The month component.

  • day: The day component.

  • hour: The hour component.

  • minute: The minute component.

  • second: The second component.

  • utc: The UTC offset to apply.

new(year, month, day)#

Creates a new Date object with the provided date, setting the time to 00:00:00.

  • year: The year component.

  • month: The month component.

  • day: The day component.

new(year, month, day, utc)#

Creates a new Date object with the provided date and a specified UTC offset, setting the time to 00:00:00.

  • year: The year component.

  • month: The month component.

  • day: The day component.

  • utc: The UTC offset to apply.


Sets the UTC offset for the current Date object.

  • utc: The UTC offset to apply.


Returns the UTC offset for the current Date object.


Formats the date according to the provided format string.

  • format: The format string to apply.


Returns the year component of the date.


Returns the month component of the date.


Returns the day component of the date.


Returns the hour component of the date.


Returns the minute component of the date.


Returns the second component of the date.


Returns the weekday number (0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday).


Returns the day of the year (1-365).


Returns the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Returns the time in HH:MM:SS format.


Returns the Unix timestamp of the date.


Returns the ISO 8601 formatted date (HH:MM:SS).


Returns the date in UTC format.


Returns the date as an ISO 8601 string (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).


Adds a date or time interval to the date.

  • plus: The date or time interval to add.


Subtracts a date or time interval from the date.

  • minus: The date or time interval to subtract.


Returns the difference between the current date and otherDate.

  • otherDate: The Date object to compare against.



Constructor that sets the file data.

  • data: The data Map representing the file.


Fetches a file from the database by its ID if it is not temporary and sets the file attributes.

  • id: The ID of the file to retrieve.

create(name, type, file, size)#

Creates a new file in the database with the given name, type, content, and size.

  • name: The name of the file.

  • type: The MIME type of the file.

  • file: The file content.

  • size: The size of the file.

create(name, type, file)#

Creates a new file in the database with the given name, type, and content. The size is determined by the content.

  • name: The name of the file.

  • type: The MIME type of the file.

  • file: The file content.


Deletes the file from the database based on its ID.


Marks the file as permanent by setting isTemp to false in the database.


Marks the file as temporary by setting isTemp to true in the database.